بازگشت به صفحه اول




Proposal: Principles of the National Covenant for the Formation of a Democratic System in Iran

Establishment of Democratic Governance
The Iranian people who, for more than a century, has carried out their struggle for liberty, independence, justice, and opposing discrimination, a struggle that included the historical struggle for the nationalization of oil under the leadership of Dr. Mossadegh, has the legal capacity, experience and the capability to determine its own destiny and establish democracy.  The establishment of democracy based on the free will of all its children whose hearts are for independence, freedom, and democracy is the best path for the building of an Iran that would be free, happy, developed, powerful, advanced, independent, and peace-loving.  Democracy is the result of the participation of all the people of Iran without any discrimination based on race, language, religious beliefs, political ideologies, gender who would work together in making and implementing decisions. Not only is democracy in the national interests, but it is an inalienable right of the people that cannot be taken away, or given away.

2. Establishment of a Parliamentary System
In its long political, social and freedom-seeking struggles, the Iranian nation has illustrated its deep desire and unshakable determination to establish a form of government that would in the most complete and best form represent the popular wish and a genuine democracy.  The experience of parliamentary systems around the world has shown that this system has the best capability to safeguard the interests and wishes of the populace.  We support proposing, planning and establishing a parliamentary system based on the votes of all Iranians free from any form of discrimination.  This parliamentary system should be based on a complete and transparent separation of religion and the state.

3. Responsive and Competent Executive Branch
In their historical struggles, the Iranian people wanted to establish a political system that is independent and all those in the executive branch and all related decision making bodies are dependent on the free votes of the people and have to be responsive to the people.  Hence, their powers and restrictions should be defined and specified in the framework of a constitution created by the consent of the people.  In the design of the executive branch, attention should be paid to several principles: the executive branch should follow the will of the people; it should be held responsible and responsive to the people; expertise (instead of cronyism), efficiency, respect and compassion for the people of Iran and the country should be among the criteria of those filling the positions.  Utilization of all capacities and talents of the youth (both women and men) in the administrative offices would guarantee dynamism, happiness, and gain the trust of the Iranian people.

 4. The Establishment of an Independent and Fair Judicial Branch
The establishment of an impartial and fair judiciary has been among the first demands of the enlightened struggle of the Iranian people.  From the Constitutional movement (1906) to our contemporary history, this demand has been repeatedly raised by our wise and enlightened people.  At every historical opportunity, the people have called for the establishment of a judicial system that would be independent, impartial, against oppression, and for justice. The establishment of an impartial and just judiciary has been regarded as a guarantee of security in the society.  And its sinking into corruption and subservience to oppressors and the tyrants is one the main reasons for the lack of development in Iranian society.  In designing, establishing and administering popular judiciary, we should base it on historical experience, popular capabilities, our cultural values, and with humility learn from the precious achievements of all humanity and civilizations, democratic societies, international organizations, and human rights organizations, in order to promote human dignity and follow the human rights standards in judicial systems.

5. The Necessity of Joining Human Rights Conventions
We believe that the principles, rules and ideals that are regarded as human rights are the results of long and arduous struggles of all humanity, all civilizations, and that all cultures have contributed to its production, development and achievement.  Therefore, the Iranian people proudly regards these precious achievements as the inheritance of humanity, and follows and supports all human rights principles and norms while following our culture and values.  We regard respect for human rights to be the most appropriate pathway for dialogue among human beings both at the national and international levels.  We believe that within this framework, the democratic system in Iran should immediately adopt and implement all human rights conventions such as the Convention Against Torture, The Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, and it Additional Protocols, The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and all other relevant conventions, treaties and protocols whose goal and subject matter is the defense and promotion of human rights and human dignity.

 6. Guarantee of the Freedom of Expression, Belief, and Religion
Respect for the dignity of human beings is impossible without freedom of conscience, expression, moral beliefs, political perspectives, and the activities in the social realm.  Among the inalienable commitments of a democratic governments are the liberties recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and other international covenants, conventions, and treaties.  These commitments should be reflected with full transparency in the articles of the  constitution along with the ways in which they would be implemented.  Unequivocal support for individual and social liberties is the best path for an all-encompassing development in the society.

7. Freedom of the Press
Freedom of the press and mass media is one of the main characteristics of a democratic system and one of the main guarantees of effective ways in which the people can check governmental institutions and agencies.  Without the freedom of the press, the development and flourishing of a society will not occur.  The press is where an environment in created for the expression of various perspectives and where people can engage in dialog.  Without a doubt, the health and happiness of a democratic society is based on a free press which is devoted to the national interests and values.  In the design and creation of the legal system for the press and the defense of its rights, we should learn from the achievements of advanced nations and also utilize the capacities of the youth who are our human capital.

8. Nonviolent Coexistence, Advocating Peace, and Opposing Violence
A huge part of Iran’s national cultural and national heritage have turned into dust in the fires of so many wars and so many of children and heroes of this land have lost their lives at the hands of violence.  The pains and scars from blind violence and warmongering have not healed yet.  The beautiful colors of life and happiness pales next to the harsh violence of dictatorial and warmongering governments.  Therefore, the expression of deep opposition to war and any form of violence have become part of the main demands of the Iranian people.  In the constitution, there should be guarantees against resort to violence and force.  Utilizing historical experience and national capabilities, the Iranian nation can take effective steps to establish peace in the region and the world.  Encouraging nations and governments around the world to use peaceful methods of conflict resolution and the propagation of a culture of dialogue among cultures and civilizations should become one of the main principles of official policy of the democratic system and should be given support in the constitution.  Utilizing all national capabilities in the design and formulation of collective security within the United Nations framework as well as confronting the roots and causes of wars in domestic, regional and international conflicts, should be among the principles of the national covenant.

9. Despising Terrorism and Cooperating with the International Community to Uproot Terrorism
The Iranian people have suffered greatly from terrorism and blind violence.  They have left deep scars on the Iranian nation.  The Iranian nation has been gravely saddened about the suffering of other nations at the hands of terrorism, and in particular the tragic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.  Therefore, the Iranian nation expresses its condemnation and opposition to all forms of terrorism under any excuses and under any conditions and against anyone everywhere.  The Iranian nation is ready to use all its capabilities under the framework of the United Nations in a global struggle against international terrorism and believes that in order to uproot this great affliction of the global community, one should confront its roots and causes such as injustice, discrimination, unequal distribution of employment, organized crime, drug cartels, money laundering, and non-democratic regimes.  The all-embracing cooperation of Iran with the global community and international institutions to uproot terrorism should be included in the constitution.

10. Protection of the Environment
We believe that the protection of the environment in all the spheres of the planet Earth is the responsibility of all the nations and countries, and that international cooperation among countries and nations is a guarantee of the health and clean environment for all humanity.  Therefore, the democratic system in Iran should have a deep commitment to follow all the principles, rules and standards related to the protection of the environment in Iran and around the globe.  Among the main policies of Iran should be to immediately join all treaties on the protection and defense of the environment and to cooperate with all countries, international governmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations to implement these treaties.  And special guarantees for the protection of the environment should be included in the constitution.

11. Avoiding Revenge and Protection of Legal Justice
The Iranian nation has suffered grave wounds from blind executions, chain murders, arbitrary arrests, unjust trials, and gross violations of human rights.  Despite all these, we are of the belief that the great nation of Iran, will not contaminate its future happiness with the infection of revenge and hatred.  And will guide and administer justice within the legal framework and based upon internationally accepted standards.  In our opinion, joining the International Criminal Court and adhering to the recognized standards of dues process of the law in trials and prosecution of war criminals, and crimes against humanity, will open the way to uphold justice consistent with the rich Iranian culture.

The Iranian nation in the current sensitive period, more than ever before, needs national cooperation and amity, and this is a rare opportunity for all those who want to compensate for their unacceptable past actions.  The Iranian nation in order to create a bright future should abolish all the centers of violence and hatred, and develop and spread a culture of reconciliation and forgiveness.

It would be exemplary that the Iranian nation with its well-known magnanimity and generosity would open its arms to those who recant their past violent and inhumane actions against their compatriots and would try to instill hope for a future for their children in the forthcoming free and democratic Iran.

12. Methods and Policies for Implementing Changes and Reforms
Referendum is a way in which one can go to popular vote and implement direct democracy in determining a nation’s destiny.  Therefore, referendum is the best method and policy for the transition to a society that is democratic, free and advanced.  In this referendum, two major question are to be presented:

*  Do you want to maintain the system of the Islamic Republic? Yes or no.

*  Do you want to establish a system based on democracy and the votes of the people?

The first question is necessary because the present political system arose out of the 1979 referendum, a referendum where over 75% of the people who live today were not present and did not have the opportunity to participate and determine their destiny.  On the other hand, the present regime which claims that it has the support of the people has to use democratic means according to international standards in order to get the confidence vote from the Iranian nation for its actions and policies in the past 26 years.  If the regime receives the vote of confidence of the people, it is incumbent on all of us to respect the wishes of the Iranian nation for the political system it wants, and pursue our democratic demands while respect the vote of the public.

But if the Iranian people in a free and fair referendum under the supervision of international institutions gave the system of the Islamic Republic a vote of no confidence, then it is incumbent on the officials of the Islamic Republic to follow the vote of the public, and the international community in respect to the right of the sovereignty of the people should stop all economic and political relations with the regime and enter into diplomatic relations with the true representatives of the Iranian nation.  The referendum will express the will of the Iranian people and institutionalize its rights.

The second question is on the nature of the political system to replace the system of Islamic Republic.  Therefore, the people participating in the transition to the next system would learn about the main principles of a democratic system and with necessary information and consciousness would choose a system to their liking, and then within a reasonable time period using democratic means to choose the preferred system and then in another referendum (usually called ratification referendum) vote for the constitution and enter it into effect.  I have presented the steps related to the referendum in March 2003 in “Why Referendum, and How?” and I invite our dear compatriots to analyze, complete and revise that proposal.

The transition from the present situation to the desired one is a historical process accomplished by the Iranian people based on its capabilities, experiences, and abilities and with utilizing the conducive international conditions, the solidarity and support from international public opinion, and humanity’s awoken conscience around the globe will take its natural historical course in a gradual step by step manner without using violence.  With the wise solidarity of the various strata of the population around specific goals and programs, and the youth and women at the forefront of this national struggle, the success of the Iranian nation in establishing its desired government will be guaranteed.  In the past 26 years, I have spent a great deal of time on possibilities of non-violent transition.  Thanking almighty, I have achieved some fruitful conclusions, which I will present these findings to the Iranian nation for consideration, critique, and organizing the best methods for implementing a non-violent transition to democracy, and towards political and economic development.  I am of the opinion that in the post-Cold War period, the traditional methods of struggle prevalent in the decades between 1950 to 1990 based on violent revolutions have been replaced by nonviolent and peaceful movements of people.  We welcome and honor this wonderful and historical change and are more than ever optimistic about the future of our country and the young generation.

Abbas Amir-Entezam
January 23, 2005


بازگشت به صفحه اول

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