کتاب دکتر مسعود کاظم زاده در باره جبهه ملی ایران و تلاش آن برای دموکراسی از ۱۹۴۹ تا امروز (به انگلیسی)

The Iran National Front and the Struggle for Democracy: 1949–Present (de Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences) Gebundene Ausgabe – ۶٫ Juni 2022

The Iran National Front and the Struggle for Democracy: 1949-Present explores the activities of the Iran National Front (INF). The INF is a coalition of parties, groups, and individuals and Iran’s oldest and main pro-democracy political party. This book presents a political history of the INF from 1949 to the present day. It discusses the current platform of the INF, its leadership, policies, strategies, as well as criticisms and weaknesses. The volume draws on a rich range of primary sources, INF documents, and interviews, including translated transcripts with the top leader of the INF. As it is one of the major political parties opposing the current regime in Iran, the book also examines the current situation in the country. It provides an analysis of the nature of the political systems under the Shah and the Islamic Republic.

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